Interested in Becoming an Umpire?

  Here are the steps to get started umpiring with RDUA:

Register on

Sign up on which RDUA uses for all Availability, Assignments, and Communications. To set up an account,

visit HorizonWebRef. The Association # is 205353, and select "Official" for User Type. 

Click on Members Login, scroll down on the left of screen till you see Sign up, click.

Fill in all the information, our association # is 205353, box to the right click down arrow select official, go to bottom click on I agree and accept the T&C.

Click sign up and you're done.

Once you have done that, I’ll receive a

request for access and then you’ll start receiving all RDUA member communications. You’ll also want to download the

HorizonWebRef app on your phone so you receive timely notices of game changes, rainouts, etc.

Membership Dues

Dues for the 2025 school and summer ball seasons are expected to be $95 for the full season and $50  for Summer Only.  Send dues to Harvey Cohen 

via Venmo @rochesterdistrictump   or via check to:

Rochester District Umpires Association
PO Box 1201
Pittsford, NY 14534

Membership Chairman; Mike Wilkin  (585)392-6869(h)  (585)370-3812    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     is the first point of contact for RDUA. 

Background Checks / Fingerprints

If you have worked as a high school sports official in New York, whether it was baseball or another sport within the last 10 years or so

it is extremely likely that you have undergone fingerprinting and you can ignore this section. Fingerprints are also unnecessary if you

have worked in the public school system in New York.


If you are planning to work for the first time as a school sports official it will be necessary to contact your nearest BOCES to arrange

to be fingerprinted as a sports official. The cost is $100, $50 of which is reimbursed to you from Section V. Assuming that you are

interested in calling school ball, I have attached the fingerprint directions. After getting fingerprinted the attached “Clearance of

Employment” form must be sent to BOCES which authorizes Section V to get the results of your fingerprinting.

If you are working only summer ball, you need to have a simple background check (Cost about $15). If you are fingerprinted by

NYSED TEACH as a teacher, coach, or official, you don't need to fingerprint and background check for summer ball. If you plan to

work summer ball only complete the background check here:



All umpires must have a W-9 form on file with RDUA so 1099-NEC information can be sent if you earn more than $600 paid to you

by RDUA for all summer and fall ball. Please mail to: RDUA, PO Box 1201, Pittsford, NY 14534-9201. School ball fees are paid

directly to you by the schools and it is rare that anyone exceeds the $600 1099 threshold for a single school district unless you are

calling multiple sports. Almost all summer/fall ball games are paid twice-monthly by Harvey Cohen. Harvey will also send you

instructions for setting up direct deposit through Five Star Bank.

Equipment and Uniform

We wear the NYSBUA shirt and hat. You should purchase charcoal pants not heather gray as that color has been phased out. The default color shirt for RDUA is

black, for summer ball you might want to also purchase a powder blue shirt. If you need help getting set up with equipment or

uniforms contact Len Pawlaczyk  (585)749-4698 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). There may be some gently used items available to borrow to get

started. Len can also hook you up with new equipment.


RDUA will provide one to you once you have paid dues. Personally, I find it more useful to download the NFHS rules app on my

phone/tablet which lets you search for key words, adjust the print size to your preference, and take online quizzes.


If calling school ball, you’ll need to pass the NFHS baseball test online (


Click on the link in the Create Your Account 2024 attachment. If you Officiate other sports and you already have an account,

you will need to login and add BASEBALL to your list of Sports that you Officiate.




As a new umpire, if you intend to call school ball, you’ll be required to attend 4 “classroom” clinics and a field clinic which are held at

the MCC fieldhouse and at Smash It Sports. Attending more than just one field clinc is advised to help you learn the positioning,

rotations, and signals. Other locations and times may be available as well. Most of our classroom clinics in 2023 were Zoom sessions

and some are available online in horizonwebref under "Videos". In the Documents section you can find powerpoints for some of the

sessions. For summer ball there is no requirement to attend or watch a certain number of videos.

Feel free to contact our chapter President, Chuck Healey This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(585) 957-6066, or myself with any further questions. Once you have

completed the process, I will have you fill in your availability on HorizonWebRef and assign you games. We will try to have you

work with an experienced umpire to mentor you the first few times out


Miles Lewis, Assignor, Rochester District Umpires Association, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 585-348-7382